Don't let your budget hold you back from creating the learning environment you want for your school. Leasing contracts allow you to accurately predict your budget for years to come so you won't be surprised by unwanted costs!

Interactive Panels

Time is money

The latest technology today while you pay later.


Keep up to date

Flexible upgrading with any contract.


Have it all

Hardware, software & services in one easy package.

Osborne Technologies

More for your money

Competitive rates with every agreement.


Stay in the loop

On-going dialogue with us to keep you up-to-date.

Interactive Accessories

Save in other areas

Helps lower your school capital expenditure.

Speak to us today for a quote on our cost effective leasing options and make your budget go further this financial year.

Contact us via the form here, or give us a call on 0114 278 7712. 

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Our company has now been in operation for over 30 years with consistent growth over that period, this is testament to our business model which helps our customers achieve their IT goals through long-term partnerships. We keep up with the landscape of the IT industry to make sure we offer our customers long-term solutions. 

Find out how we can help you, here.